A good mentorof mine once said, the best way to communicateis to KISS (keep it short & simple) it. So i have come up with 5 guidelines to follow to consistently win money at a cash game.
- If you can help it, sit to the right of the chip leader.
- Control your game. Don't let others push you all in or make emotional decisions.
- Never go all in before the flop.
- Play a tight game. Only play the top 10% of hands (AA, AK, AQ, AJ, A10, KK, KQ, KJ, K10, QQ, QJ, Q10, JJ, J10) These hands are really prefered if they were suited as well.
- Never try chasing an inside draw.
If you follow these guidelines when buying into a cash game, should produce consistent wins overall. Of course if someone breaks a guideline it result in an overall lost for that player. These guidelines are used personally and have made my odds of winning a lot greater. Any additional suggestions are appropriated.
Whats the strategy behind sitting to the right of the chip leader ?? That is interesting that you think of that right away. Plus were do you usually play at,, on the East Side Snookers on Hall round is quickly becoming one of the best spots around.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I haven't replied back to your comment sooner. I usually play at Maverick's Poker Room in Port Huron. Now the reason why I stated to sit to the right of the chip leader is because when you are buying in at the minimum cost your probably playing passively, and would rather have the chip leader make the move before you. Now if someone as the choice on their seat, I would advise them to read the table first to see how people are playing. Loose or very aggressive players should be placed to your right, and passive, maniacs, and bluffers you would like on your left.